

Dealer Marketing: “Google Death” is Only Part of the Battle

Listen to the radio today and you hear advertising from companies explaining how their services will protect you from, “Google Death,” which is...


Three Things to Expect from Your Digital Marketing Partner

Now more than ever, automotive dealerships are recognizing the importance of reaching and connecting with more customers online, and they’re...


Four Strategic Uses For LinkedIn

"LinkedIn? That's that website where you post your resume and connect to your coworkers and old school buddies, right?" If your estimation of...


Five Video Tips from AJ LeBlanc

When it comes to video there are a lot of different questions dealers need answered, so we got in touch with online video and video search engine...


Video Marketing and the New Internet Landscape

I was pumping gas the other day and there was a video playing on the pump; at the grocery store they had a screen playing the news while people...


Targeting In-Market Shoppers with Big Data

In the “Good old days," automotive advertising was as simple as defining a specific demographic to target and buying a TV, radio, or print media plan...


The Future of Video Marketing with Scott Toland

For this month’s video marketing profile, I interviewed Scott Toland, president of The Toland Group, whose automotive marketing career started back...


How to Know Your Consumers Better than They Know Themselves—the Future Demands It

Mobile has shifted from a single channel of communication to an entire platform specifically designed for powerful real time, customer engagement,...


Beware the Automotive SEO Snake Oil

Is your SEO company really moving the needle for you or are they selling you snake oil? I have watched a lot of dealers spend a lot of money on...


Top 6 Tech and Marketing Trends for Dealer Marketers in 2014

2014 is upon us, and savvy dealer marketers are looking ahead to better understand the most important trends impacting them and affecting their...


Unexpected Ways to Use Google+ for Your Dealership

Advertising your car dealership online is likely a marketing tactic you're already familiar with. So it's probably time to promote your business on...


Three Tips to Improve Your Google Search Ranking

With thousands of websites and blogs vying for the same high ranking on Google’s search results, great content just isn’t cutting it anymore. While...

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