

Why Mobile Marketing Is a Must in the Service Department

Auto buyers consider many factors, both logical and emotional when they’re determining whether or not they will purchase a vehicle. Outside of the...


September Q&A: Mobile Marketing Provides a Constant Customer Connection

With smartphones and other mobile devices, we’ve reached the point where when we see someone who isn’t going through life constantly connected, we...


Artificial Intelligence: Provide the Ultimate Digital Shopping Experience

Today’s dealership faces ever-rising customer expectations. Across industries, shoppers actively seek out great service, with more than half willing...


How Mobile Marketing Advancements Influence the Car-Buying Process

The message-delivery methods to automotive consumers have drastically changed over the past couple of decades, when customer retention and...


Today's Automotive Data Science: The Future Is Now

There is a lot of discussion going on these days regarding how big data will be a benefit to dealerships, manufacturers, and consumers in the future....


Social Media and SEO Give the Best Return for Automotive Marketers

Digital ad spend is growing. Marketers need to know how to optimize it. Our company recently conducted a study to help marketers improve the...


August Q&A: Take a Closer Look at Your SEO and Search Strategy

You got your dealership website’s search strategy and search engine optimization (SEO) worked out years ago, right? Someone at your dealership or a...


4 Reasons to Update Your Dealership's Communication Tools

It’s no surprise that communicating with your customers is the best way to receive repeat business; however, have you ever considered using contact...


3 Ways to Use Technology to Improve Your Sales Incentive Programs

The definition of an incentive program is broad. Anything you do to motivate salespeople can be considered an incentive program. You can tailor a...


5 Steps to Automotive Digital Marketing Success

The automotive marketing industry is changing, and the race to become the highest-selling and all-around best dealership in your local market is...


How to Build a Killer Social Media Strategy for Your Dealership

Did you know that 70% of people in the U.S. have a profile on at least one social network? This means that the vast majority of your potential...


A Dealer's Guide to Marketing: AI, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analytics

If you’re reading the news, checking out dealership vendor awards, and following new product releases, you’re probably hearing a lot about artificial...

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