

Marketing to Women in the Dealer World She Loves Her Mobile Device

In a recent study, Time, Inc. and Nuance Digital Marketing discovered that women are increasingly attached to their mobile devices. In fact, the...


Online Marketing to Reach Today's Consumers

The debate is over — online marketing is essential to the success of a modern car dealership. Actually the debate ended a few years ago, but that...


How Dealerships Can Use PPC To Build Brand Awareness and Exposure

These days, more and more car buyers are heading online before making up their mind on where to buy their next car. As a dealership, building your...


How Mobile and Millennials Are Transforming the Vehicle Purchase Process

Millennials, consumers under 35 years old, are changing the landscape of the automotive industry, but new DMEautomotive research reveals that these...


Mobile Marketing Drives More Calls to the Dealership

From sales to service and everything in between, dealers across the U.S. are feeling the results of a successful mobile marketing strategy. Mobile...


Millennial Selling Strategy—from a Millennial

Picture this; you are working with a prospect on the showroom floor. While going through the traditional sales process the prospect is paying more...


Google’s Latest Automotive Shopping Study & What It Means for Your Dealership

In the fourth quarter of 2013, Google announced that phone calls would count for conversions. No big deal, you say. Well sure, the conversions...


Mobile Marketing Strategy for Dummies

With all the talk about mobile and mobile apps, you’re probably pumped, ready to jump head first into this new era of automotive marketing. Well,...


Six Ways to Leverage Social Media to Benefit Your Auto Dealership

Marcus Lemonis — entrepreneur and the host of The Profit on CNBC — started off the first episode by writing out a $200,000 check to help out two...


Dealer Video Marketing Profile—Bob Kirek

For this month’s interview I met with Bob Kirek, CEO of the multiple award winning Global Commercial Furnishings Inc, whose company has...


Top Five Resolutions for Dealer Marketers

The New Year is just around the corner. It’s the time when we reflect on the past year and devise a list of personal New Year’s Resolutions. It’s...


Every Dealership Should Have a Video Marketing Campaign

With the growth of online video and online video marketing, dealerships large and small have found a new way to connect with consumers. Consumers...

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