

4 Questions to Ask Before Celebrating a Marketing Success

It’s every dealership’s dream: You launch a new ad, or start advertising on a new platform. After just one week, the click-through rate (CTR) is 40%...


How to Leverage Data to Create More Service Department Opportunity

You worked hard to build your relationships with customers — you know their cars inside and out. Naturally, they’ll come to you when they need...


5 Steps to Digital Marketing Domination

Digital marketing is a relative infant in the world of automotive advertising. Getting the word out to customers about auto dealerships was so much...


Promotion Extensions: Google's New Digital Marketing Superhero

As with all forms of marketing, digital marketing boils down to reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time. As an auto...


How Personalized Marketing Tailors the Experience to the Consumer

As vehicle technology changes, consumers are forced to think differently about the type of car they want and how they’re buying it. In a world where...


Digital Marketing: Don't Count Your Clicks Before They Hatch

The world consumes media, entertainment, information, news, and advertising messages very differently than just a few years ago. Our changing...


Hurricane Harvey Made Us Go All In on Digital Marketing . . . and We Had a Record Month

Hurricane Harvey hit the Houston area in late August as a Category 4 storm, dropping more than 40 inches of rain in four days, resulting in...


I'm a Millennial: Here's How I Want You to Sell Me a Car

I was born in 1992, and received my first email address at the age of six. I am what is referred to as a millennial. Nowadays, that term often...


Fuel Your Digital Marketing With Seasonal Data About Consumers

Seasonality remains an important factor for automotive marketers, with car sales hitting their peak during spring and fall while declining in the...


Make Local Search a Priority in Your Marketing Strategy

According to by BIA/Kelsey’s “Insights into Local Advertising — Automotive Vertical” report, automotive dealers and manufacturers are projected to...


How to Leverage Geofencing to Boost Conquest Sales

Achieving vehicle sales and service goals is becoming increasingly difficult. Your current customers may be looking at other options, while those...


Affinitiv Introduces Connectiv1, an End-to-End Marketing Platform for Dealers and Manufacturers

Chicago — December 5, 2017 — Affinitiv, a leading provider of marketing and technology services to automotive manufacturers and dealerships,...

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