
Educating Dealers and OEM Partners to Market & Sell Connected Vehicles
As vehicle technology progresses, opportunities for connectivity, advanced electronics, and computer technology are emerging. Auto dealers are at the...

Make More Friends. Sell More Cars.
The thing about books is that they’re forever. They are the permanent record. For thousands of years, we’ve built giant buildings to hold all the...

When Corporate Responsibility is Personal
I can carry a conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) like any other executive, and I ensure that our company follows policies that...

Dealership Data is Key to Unlocking the True Power of ChatGPT
ChatGPT. It’s everywhere. It’s taken over social media and the evening news - it’s come up in work meetings and over dinner with family and friends....

Parts Departments: the key to dealership success
In my work with hundreds of parts departments, I’ve witnessed time and time again parts and service departments being undervalued and neglected by...

Harnessing the Power of the Parts Department in the New EV Era
As the automotive industry races towards an increasingly electric future, dealerships face the challenge of adapting to the rise of electric vehicles...

The 4 Must-Haves for Any Company Rebrand
Your company’s story and messaging are the core of everything: it’s how you market, how you sell, and how you retain loyal customers. The story is...

Retail is an experience, not a location
Retail is NOT a physical location. RETAIL IS AN EXPERIENCE. This statement may raise questions, prompt pushback, or lead to realizations. Retail...

Dealership Risk
If you are a dealer, when you get up and place your feet on the floor in the morning, you put your assets on the line, expecting a return or profit....

Building Integrations for Automotive: An AdTech and MarTech Journey
Through the years, I would ask myself, "Is the automotive industry ready for this?" In my sixth year in the space after nearly two decades of...

Non-GMO Dealerships
I'll bet you one dollar ($1.00) you have this issue, too. When you're shopping at the market and see a food product that's "non-GMO," don't you stop...

Right-Sizing Extended Electric Vehicle Warranty And CPO Policies, an Interview with Josh Bass, VP of Innovation at JM&A Group
"It's all about ensuring that JM&A Group stays ahead of the competition, specifically in the F&I Product space." The MAPConnected Vehicle Service...