Best Practices


Millennial Selling Strategy—from a Millennial

Picture this; you are working with a prospect on the showroom floor. While going through the traditional sales process the prospect is paying more...


Six Ways to Leverage Social Media to Benefit Your Auto Dealership

Marcus Lemonis — entrepreneur and the host of The Profit on CNBC — started off the first episode by writing out a $200,000 check to help out two...


Top Five Resolutions for Dealer Marketers

The New Year is just around the corner. It’s the time when we reflect on the past year and devise a list of personal New Year’s Resolutions. It’s...


Four Strategic Uses For LinkedIn

"LinkedIn? That's that website where you post your resume and connect to your coworkers and old school buddies, right?" If your estimation of...


Five Video Tips from AJ LeBlanc

When it comes to video there are a lot of different questions dealers need answered, so we got in touch with online video and video search engine...


Unexpected Ways to Use Google+ for Your Dealership

Advertising your car dealership online is likely a marketing tactic you're already familiar with. So it's probably time to promote your business on...


Three Tips to Improve Your Google Search Ranking

With thousands of websites and blogs vying for the same high ranking on Google’s search results, great content just isn’t cutting it anymore. While...


Four Ways for Auto Dealers to Capture the Mobile Consumer

Is your dealership ready for the rise of mobile devices? If your dealership prides itself on meeting customer needs during in-store visits, make...


Responsive Email Design Part Two: Show Me the Results

Responsive email design is a critical part of any complete, forward-thinking mobile strategy. As we discussed last time, responsive email design...


Avoid Love at First Sight When Hiring Automotive Salespeople

It’s a challenge every car dealership is familiar with: salespeople who make a great impression during the hiring process but fail to deliver once...


It’s Mobile-Mania—but Dealers Still Lag with Mobile-Friendly Credit Apps

The mobile wave isn’t at a tipping-point, it’s tipped, hard. Sometimes I feel like I read as many new studies about the explosive growth in...


Eight Ways to Get Customer Feedback Via Twitter

In any business, it is very important to have the proper channels of communication. There are many ways to get feedback from customers. Some...

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