Industry News


They Called it Facebook for a Reason

A phone rings in the middle of the night, startling a grumpy middle-aged college dean back into consciousness. The computer servers at Harvard are...


Brand Building Tips for Dealerships During COVID-19

While we can’t be 100% certain how strong it will be, the demand for vehicles — whether it’s due to an expiring lease, delayed upgrade, or repair...


Essential Things to Know About Handling Customer Reviews

It's no secret that online reviews hold more clout with potential customers than ever before. Digital word of mouth is having an outsized impact on...


In the Quiet, Listening Becomes Easier

Many of us lived through the 2008-2009 recession. For those of us that were in some of the hardest-hit industries like real estate, banking, or...


Create a More Diverse Workforce to Achieve Greater Success

It is no secret that the automotive industry has historically been dominated by the male gender. The NADA Work Force Study of 2015 stated that women...


Grow Your Base Through Conquest

Humans are born to compete. As far back as ancient times, when we competed over every available resource as a matter of life and death, the idea that...


Everything has Changed, FOREVER! The Post COVID-19 World of Automotive Retail

The world’s great philosopher Mike Tyson said it best: Well, we all just got punched in the mouth. As a business, we had plans to become more...


Chatbot - Friend or Foe

A chatbot is exactly what it sounds like: A robot that managesyour conversations. The bot simulates a human-like interaction to give shoppersthe...


Facebook Ads for Your Dealership: 10 Ideas To Get You Started

In my last article, the message was focused on running more Facebook Ads campaigns, and to put your focus on targeting: the right message, the right...


Podcasting Provides New Opportunities for Local Auto Dealers

From nationally-known shows like Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro to niche programs catering to a specific audience, podcasts are officially a thing. As of...


“Adapt or Die” Why Dealerships Need to Experiment with their Internet Sales Lead Processes

You may have heard of the motivational sales phrase, "always be closing." But, when it comes to handling internet sales leads, dealerships really...


In a Time of Crisis Turn to Each Other

In a once in a lifetime experience, where we're all looking for guidance, answers, and direction, now is the time to come together as an industry....

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