

Should Your SEO Be Outsourced?

Automotive SEO is complex, period!! Yet, most dealers will make the mistake of trying to perform SEO themselves rather than hiring a professional for...


Why Your Ad Budget Should be Optimized by AI and Not Humans

For a long time, we all feared that machine learning and AI would take our jobs, diminish work, and leave us unemployed. But we’re over that. Now,...


Sales Opportunities Start… In Service?

It might sound counterintuitive, but one of your best ongoing opportunities for boosting dealership sales lies in the Service department. Consider...


Dealership Management Advice: Work Smarter Not Harder in 2020

The industry is forecast to be stable in 2020. Stable may be a welcome word for many and is certainly better than the prediction of decline we all...


Why Conduct an On-site Compliance Audit in Your Car Dealership?

Before we start exploring the reasons why every car dealer must conduct an on-site compliance audit in his car dealership, let us form an overview of...


Kissing Babies & Shaking Hands: Reality of Social Sales

Ali Reda sells more cars each year than any other human being on the face of the earth, and whenever he gets ready to leave a local restaurant, his...


The Ripple Effect

Recently I attended the Annual Industry Summit in New Orleans. About a week before my flight, I received an email from Southwest announcing the...


Stand Out From the Competition: Let’s Find Your Differentiator

Welcome to Boston. There are five Dunkin’ Donuts within a quarter of a mile from my office. I’ve selected my Dunkin’ of choice based on strict...


Declined Service Work or Targeted Marketing Opportunity?

The word “innovation” gets thrown around a lot when we talk about dealers who manage to stay ahead of the curve year after year, even as the industry...


Commission Breath

What is that awful smell? You know, that smell you sniff when you meet a “slick” salesperson? What is the definition of a professional? Is it someone...


Step Back: How Experience in Automotive Hinders Our Ability to Create an Ideal Consumer Website

Do you know the difference between the Frigidaire Professional dishwasher and the Gallery dishwasher? Nope. How about Lenovo T and X series laptops?...


Choose To Serve

I have been earning a commission-based income for over 15 years. As a result, people often ask me how I deal with the uncertainty of my monthly...

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