auto dealer marketing

The Power of Return Parts Buyers
You probably know the age-old business adage that it’s cheaper to sell to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one. In fact, it’s about...

Risk Avoidance – Ignored
Are you too busy selling cars to pay attention to the myriad number of lurking problems and issues that you haven’t had time to address? You would...

Did You Know This? Latest Hispanic Car Buying Preferences
There are over 60 million Hispanics are living in the United States and their purchasing power hit $1.7 trillion in 2020, up from $210 billion in...

Dealer Marketing: Going Loco for Local Campaigns
There's a good reason that car dealers should be going mad over local campaigns: the results. Now, let's get something straight first. There are so...

Harnessing the Power of Pre-qualified Sales Leads
The idea that car researching, shopping, and purchasing is moving online is not a new story, but Covid-19 accelerated that trend in a significant...

Embrace the Change: Analyzing Your Market to Effectively Adapt to COVID-19
If there is a lesson to be learned from the first half of 2020, it's that things can change — fast. The COVID-19 pandemic has left an undeniable...

Brand Building Tips for Dealerships During COVID-19
While we can’t be 100% certain how strong it will be, the demand for vehicles — whether it’s due to an expiring lease, delayed upgrade, or repair...

Research Reveals How Dealerships Optimize Their Digital Marketing Channels
As dealers commit more and more attention and budget to digital marketing, choosing exactly where to invest becomes a challenge. Complicating that...

How to use Dynamic Photo Overlays: Set Your Dealership Apart from the Competition
‘Tis always the season for a sale. Most of us who work in the retail industry recognize that any time of year there is a reason to have a sales event...

Reshape Your Marketing Efforts Using Audience Segmentation
The process of buying and selling cars has evolved substantially over the past decade. No longer do car shoppers go straight to the dealership;...

DealerSocket to Display Enhanced Auto Retail Technologies at NADA
San Clemente, CA — March 20, 2018 — DealerSocket, a leading provider of technology solutions for the automotive retail industry, today announced a...

Reputation Management: The Marketing Most Dealers Fail to Do
Before car-shopping customers step foot on the lot or showroom, many have done their homework. Most car buyers know the make and model they want,...