Shopper Experience

Three Simple Changes for Increasing Your Internet Sales Now!
Online initiated sales have been growing in our industry for some time now. In fact, here at Ciocca Hyundai in Lebanon, Pa., 60 percent of our new...

Opportunity Selling is for Every Dealer!
Opportunity selling, a variation of data marketing, can sell cars for dealers of most any dealership. The determining factor is compelling...

Google: Online Car Shopping is Now the Norm
Google’s recent “Digital Drives Auto Shopping” study could have been named “Of Course People Use the Internet to Shop for Cars.” The stats all show...

SEO Predictions for 2014
If you know anything about search engine optimization, you know that the laws of the land change frequently. While the big picture things usually...

Beware the Automotive SEO Snake Oil
Is your SEO company really moving the needle for you or are they selling you snake oil? I have watched a lot of dealers spend a lot of money on...

Three Tips to Improve Your Google Search Ranking
With thousands of websites and blogs vying for the same high ranking on Google’s search results, great content just isn’t cutting it anymore. While...

My Best Advice for Increasing Internet Sales Opportunities
In the nearly five years that I’ve served as internet sales manager for Gary Lang Auto Group, we’ve worked very hard to attract and convert more...

Four Ways for Auto Dealers to Capture the Mobile Consumer
Is your dealership ready for the rise of mobile devices? If your dealership prides itself on meeting customer needs during in-store visits, make...

You Can Handle the Truth
Objections are as much a part of your job as they are for any judge in a courtroom. For sales pros, they’re the reasons customers don’t want to...

Avoid Love at First Sight When Hiring Automotive Salespeople
It’s a challenge every car dealership is familiar with: salespeople who make a great impression during the hiring process but fail to deliver once...

It’s Mobile-Mania—but Dealers Still Lag with Mobile-Friendly Credit Apps
The mobile wave isn’t at a tipping-point, it’s tipped, hard. Sometimes I feel like I read as many new studies about the explosive growth in...

Google's New Algorithm: Float like a Hummingbird or Sting like a Bee?
We’ve all come to warily await Google’s next Panda and Penguin updates, but the Hummingbird is different—it’s a complete makeover of the existing...