

How Dealers Should Handle COVID (Co-author Kristina Vaquera)

Another article about COVID-19?  Ugh! Snap! And oh, my! Employers everywhere are tired with having to handle this additional burden to running their...


Do You Understand the Components of Your Garage Insurance Policy?

Try this flavor-filled description: “There’s a sense of cornmeal next to sawdust, oily vanilla, and a hint of fresh honey sweetness that entices your...


Dealer Websites: When Gaming Google Hurts

It’s been nearly 6 years since “Dieselgate” broke and Volkswagen was busted by the EPA for gaming their diesel car emissions tests. When the vehicle...


Are Dealers Ready for “Telematics Right to Repair?”

In the November, 2020 election, voters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a ballot initiative, Question 1, by an overwhelming margin (75%...


Auto Dealers: What’s Your Total Cost of Risk (TCOR)?

Financial statements track how you are doing financially every month. Consider measuring and benchmarking TCOR as a part of your ongoing financial...


Risk Avoidance – Ignored

Are you too busy selling cars to pay attention to the myriad number of lurking problems and issues that you haven’t had time to address? You would...


Dealer Risk Mitigation: Expectations & The Fountain of Youth

My buddy, Tom, recently visited St. Augustine, Florida and he was kind enough to bring us souvenirs. No, my fiancé and I didn’t get t-shirts. We got...


Is Your F&I Compliance "Toast?

What does criminal conduct have to do with F&I and my new toaster? Here you go... I recently bought a toaster. (Please hold your applause until the...


Harmful Dealership Advertising: The Lollipop 1 Model

Would you ever give a little child a lollipop and then take it back? Outrageous, right? This causes upset, hurt feelings, destroys trust, and creates...


Don't You Agree? Fundamental Questions Answered Regarding Dealership Compliance

"I don't have to agree, but I do have to comply," said an old employee and friend of mine named "Hank." He said it with a wry smile whenever he...


What You Should Pay Attention to When Selling Parts Online

Online parts and accessories eCommerce is a great source of revenue for many dealers. By moving their parts departments online, dealerships have the...


Why Conduct an On-site Compliance Audit in Your Car Dealership?

Before we start exploring the reasons why every car dealer must conduct an on-site compliance audit in his car dealership, let us form an overview of...

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