
Clean Sheet Day and the Three Fs

Clean Sheet Day and the Three Fs

Raise your hand if you love clean sheet day! ✋🏻 Please allow me to state this clearly: I. Love. Clean. Sheets. Who doesn’t love sliding into buttery,...


Wash, Rinse, Repeat: What is Corporate Governance and Why Is It Important?

Governance consists of a compendium and series of policies and procedures which safeguards the business to protect the owners and shareholders,...


Tuck The Octopus

Managing, owning, and running a dealership can feel like trying to tuck an octopus into bed at night while the tentacles keep flopping out!  My close...


26 Motivators and the GLBA

More than thirty (30) years ago, I made a list of what motivates people. (I’m not sure why I was motivated to make the motivation list though.) I...


Dealership Risk

If you are a dealer, when you get up and place your feet on the floor in the morning, you put your assets on the line, expecting a return or profit....


Why You Should Be Concerned About Regulatory Oversight: How Regulators Do What They Do

For this month, something new. I’ve written this article so you can copy it and have each employee at the dealership sign it. Having written employee...


Why Having an Accessible Dealer Website Matters to You

You have no choice but to care about whether your website is accessible for people with sight impairment because the law tells you that it must be...


The Best Parking Lot Strategy

I'll be in trouble with my wife if she finds out I told you this.  Do you have a strategy for getting the best space in the parking deck? From my...


10 + 10 = Exposure

Any one of these issues could cost you a lot of money.   Consider the “what if.”  What if…this were to happen or that were to happen?  How would...


Let The Government Be Your Customer Service Department!

Three super-large dealership groups are trying it!   Here’s how it’s going for them so far… Carvana lost the ability to transact in Illinois...


Six (6) Perspectives On The New GLB Safeguard Regulations

The new Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) regulations aren’t going away and become effective on December 9, 2022. You don’t have to agree, but you do...


I Hope You'll Learn With Me!

An October, 2021 survey by Embroker stated that just 22% fully read through their insurance policy, 56% admit to not knowing the cost of their...

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