digital marketing dealerships

Promotion Extensions: Google's New Digital Marketing Superhero
As with all forms of marketing, digital marketing boils down to reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time. As an auto...

How Personalized Marketing Tailors the Experience to the Consumer
As vehicle technology changes, consumers are forced to think differently about the type of car they want and how they’re buying it. In a world where...

Digital Marketing: Don't Count Your Clicks Before They Hatch
The world consumes media, entertainment, information, news, and advertising messages very differently than just a few years ago. Our changing...

Hurricane Harvey Made Us Go All In on Digital Marketing . . . and We Had a Record Month
Hurricane Harvey hit the Houston area in late August as a Category 4 storm, dropping more than 40 inches of rain in four days, resulting in...

Make Local Search a Priority in Your Marketing Strategy
According to by BIA/Kelsey’s “Insights into Local Advertising — Automotive Vertical” report, automotive dealers and manufacturers are projected to...

How Programmatic Video Marketing Makes Consumers Laugh, Cry, and Then Buy
As programmatic spending continues to rise through 2017, video accounts for a healthy percentage. Infrastructure and creative tech for programmatic...

Keep Up With Cross-Shopping Customers by Using Mobile Location Data
It’s no secret that auto buyers shop around. In fact, they’re savvier than ever. They come to the dealership armed with research they conducted...

What Information From Big Data Actually Helps Dealerships Sell Cars?
With the world swimming in big data and dealerships looking for any marketing advantage they can get, what data actually works? Having provided data...

How Google Analytics Help You Assess Vendor Performance
Dealers today have an infinite number of ways to get in front of their consumers. Display advertising, social media, video, targeted campaigns, and...

3 Tactics to Make Full Use of the Digital Marketing Toolbox
In the automotive sector, marketing has continued to evolve with the onset of digital. Not only are marketers in the space adding digital channels...

How E-Contracting Accelerates the Buying Experience
Blame it on the internet. Retail stores are closing at record levels, so dealerships are obliged to maintain a strong web presence if they want to...

Artificial Intelligence: Provide the Ultimate Digital Shopping Experience
Today’s dealership faces ever-rising customer expectations. Across industries, shoppers actively seek out great service, with more than half willing...