
Car Dealers: The Hispanic Market Is Still Waiting to Be Engaged
I was a guest on Paul Meyer’s Sunday Night Live last month. It was a lively talk covering a lot of facts on Hispanic marketing and the immense...

Brand Loyalty and the Hispanic Community
There is no shortage of conversations about the value of brand loyalty. As Forbes points out in an article from a few years ago, when you think of...

How Artificial Intelligence is Improving the Auto Dealership
A survey done by CDK Global highlights the automotive retail market shift toward Artificial Intelligence (AI). More than half of the survey sample...

3 Years of Hispanic Car Buying Preferences Trends
In my last article, I touched on a few trends that we are starting to see after 3 years of doing our Hispanic Car Buying Preferences surveys. This...

Hispanic Car Buying Preferences
Most people these days can be found on one social media site or another spending countless hours looking at whatever pops up that piques their...

How Google’s Website Ranks Website Vendors for Average SEO, Accessibility, and Best Practice Scores
How Do You Measure Up? We’ve now written three articles on how Google views our industry for speed and performance. We touched on Page Speed, Speed...

How Google’s Website Ranking Factors Rank Website Vendors Part One
How do you measure up? PART ONE In our previous two articles, we wrote about how Google uses its software to assess a website’s performance, from...

Exploring Influential and Impactful Automotive Advertising Campaigns (Part Two)
From 2001 on, the auto industry took a new approach for disruptive marketing that aligned with a world that was rapidly changing and evolving....

Exploring Influential and Impactful Automotive Advertising Campaigns
Advertising has come a long way since its humble beginnings. There's no doubt about it – marketing remains an ever-changing landscape: What worked a...

How Google’s Website Ranking Factors Rank OEM Websites (vs Independents) Part Two
PART 2 In Part 1 of this two-part series on website ranking factors, we discussed Page Speed, Page Index, and Technical SEO scores. We look at the...

How Google’s Website Ranking Factors Rank OEM Websites (vs Independents)
PART 1 Google measures everything, from your website’s Page Speed Score, to your SEO or Best Practices Score. Why? Because from Google’s point of...

The Rise in Consumer Streaming Services: New Vehicle Shopping Trends Align
The theme of this series of articles is one of disruption within and affecting the automotive business. This article is intended to explore the...