Digital Success Playbook

with Kathi Kruse

Kathi Kruse

Kathi Kruse

Kruse Control Inc.

About Kathi

Kathi Kruse is an automotive retail advisor, dealership profitability specialist, digital strategist, trainer/coach, podcaster, author, creator: Kruse Control Newsletter, and Founder/CEO of Kruse Control Inc.

Born in the heart of Los Angeles to a family of “car people”, Kathi’s passion for the car business spans a 25-year automotive retail career, managing wildly successful $100M+ stores in Southern California. Her exceptional experience, combined with her innovative methods, has led to transformational outcomes and increased profits for over 1,000 clients to date.

A lifelong animal advocate, Kathi is a board member of Hanaeleh Horse Rescue. 10% of Kruse Control profits go to animal rescue.

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