Chrome to Code

with Todd Smith

Todd Smith

Todd Smith


About Todd

Todd Smith is the CEO of QoreAI, where his expertise lies at the intersection of AI and automotive, focusing on fraud prevention and data security. With over 30 years in retail, tech, and automotive, Todd has successfully founded and grown multiple startups, including companies recognized by Inc. 500/5000 and Red Herring Top 100. As Managing Director of Kyzor, he invests in and mentors promising automotive tech ventures. Todd's practical application of AI to address identity fraud and enhance dealership data protection has established him as a respected industry voice. His insights on automotive technology and security are frequently sought at major industry events.


The AI Revolution in Automotive Retailing

In an era where artificial intelligence is reshaping industries across the board, the automotive retail sector stands on the cusp of a transformative...

Fraud Detection Image

Enhancing Security with Advanced Identity Verification Fraud Detection Tactics

How can you spot and stop identity verification fraud? With fraudsters constantly innovating, dealerships and individuals must stay ahead with...

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