Boyd Warner

Opportunity Selling is for Every Dealer!
Opportunity selling, a variation of data marketing, can sell cars for dealers of most any dealership. The determining factor is compelling...

Mining for Advantage at NADA
I love attending NADA — and NADA in New Orleans especially. I love the food, the jazz and the atmospheric feel of New Orleans. I also enjoy seeing...

Three Uncommon Retention Elements
Over the last three months, we’ve examined the topic of retention. First, we looked at a new way to measure and increase retention using outcomes...

Measuring Customer Retention
Would you agree that customer retention is an important goal? Designed to retain customers — to keep them from drifting to other dealerships or the...

Four Tips for Turning Be-Backs into Sales
The typical dealership already possesses every asset necessary to sell more vehicles. Sometimes the exception is the correct attitude toward be-backs...

Service is Your Best Showroom
The other day, one of our representatives was showing a dealer how to use database analysis to sell customers in the service lane. Trying out the...

How to Create Your Own Service Revenue
Among all the potent technologies for improving service department profits, only one will service directors already have at hand — their customer...