The Sales Funnel & The Shape of Water
Between a busy career and a larger than average family, I don’t get much time to indulge in a good movie. As it so happens, one of my best friends is...

Why Your Ad Budget Should be Optimized by AI and Not Humans
For a long time, we all feared that machine learning and AI would take our jobs, diminish work, and leave us unemployed. But we’re over that. Now,...

A Look Back at Automotive Retail in 2017 Reveals the Path Forward for 2018
When we look back at 2017, the best word to capture the year in automotive retail is fascinating. Between the drop in the record-setting 2016 sales...

4 Questions to Ask Before Celebrating a Marketing Success
It’s every dealership’s dream: You launch a new ad, or start advertising on a new platform. After just one week, the click-through rate (CTR) is 40%...

Social Media and SEO Give the Best Return for Automotive Marketers
Digital ad spend is growing. Marketers need to know how to optimize it. Our company recently conducted a study to help marketers improve the...