
Be the Ultimate Pro at Effectiveness: Ready - Set - Poised for Success
Maybe it’s a strange-type A-Virgo-slightly OCD-anal retentive personality trait that I have or perhaps I’m just an old soul who is hard to explain....

Embracing Change As a Leader - Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Leaders who embrace change have a dynamic team with a stronger and healthier culture, whereas dealerships that aren’t open to change tend to BE...

Cultivating a Winning Sales Team
When your dealership hits its sales goals, profitability and morale run high. Life at your dealership is energized, employees are engaged and looking...

Four Steps to Banishing Burn Out
We're currently in a culture that celebrates working ourselves to exhaustion. According to a study by the Center for Creative Leadership,...

Four Ways to Ramp up Leadership in 2021
Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with Laurie Foster, Founder of Foster Strategies Group, and a super connector in our industry. Laurie and...

3 Things Your Dealership Can Learn From a Blockbuster CEO
On Monday morning, June, 28 2007, John Antioco sat down at his desk and shuffled through his notes. Nearly ten years as the Chairman and CEO of...

The Principles of Leadership and Self-Deception
There are many great resources that teach dealership owners and employees on how to run a dealership. There are even more amazing options on business...

The Road to Recovery
COVID-19 blind-sided us with an uppercut, right hook and hard hit to the gut. We may be down and a little dizzy, but we are not out for the count....

Dealership Management Advice: Work Smarter Not Harder in 2020
The industry is forecast to be stable in 2020. Stable may be a welcome word for many and is certainly better than the prediction of decline we all...

A Better Car-Buying Experience Starts With Empowered Employees
After six years of strong sales, the auto industry is rightfully fearful of decline. A survey of recent car buyers by Deloitte Digital found that...

7 Steps to Plan Technological Change Management
Whether you’ve decided it’s time to transform your sales process or adopt a new technology, change management is a process you need to plan...