articles tagged



Wash, Rinse, Repeat: What is Corporate Governance and Why Is It Important?

Governance consists of a compendium and series of policies and procedures which safeguards the business to protect the owners and shareholders,...


26 Motivators and the GLBA

More than thirty (30) years ago, I made a list of what motivates people. (I’m not sure why I was motivated to make the motivation list though.) I...


Dealership Risk

If you are a dealer, when you get up and place your feet on the floor in the morning, you put your assets on the line, expecting a return or profit....


Why You Should Be Concerned About Regulatory Oversight: How Regulators Do What They Do

For this month, something new. I’ve written this article so you can copy it and have each employee at the dealership sign it. Having written employee...


Why Having an Accessible Dealer Website Matters to You

You have no choice but to care about whether your website is accessible for people with sight impairment because the law tells you that it must be...


Is Your F&I Compliance "Toast?

What does criminal conduct have to do with F&I and my new toaster? Here you go... I recently bought a toaster. (Please hold your applause until the...


Harmful Dealership Advertising: The Lollipop 1 Model

Would you ever give a little child a lollipop and then take it back? Outrageous, right? This causes upset, hurt feelings, destroys trust, and creates...


Why Conduct an On-site Compliance Audit in Your Car Dealership?

Before we start exploring the reasons why every car dealer must conduct an on-site compliance audit in his car dealership, let us form an overview of...


In Today’s Gig Economy, Are You Classifying Dealer-Trade Drivers Correctly?

The term gig economy is not just one you hear millennials use; it’s a continuously growing workforce of independent contractors who value flexibility...


Back by Popular Demand, Compli and Fisher Phillips Team Up to Talk Termination During Second Webinar

Portland, OR — June 12, 2018 — Compli, the automotive leader in HR and Compliance solutions, has announced their first employee termination webinar...


Top 10 Online Resources for Dealers

Being an auto dealer comes with great opportunity, but operating the business side can be a daunting task. Dealers need resources that are easy to...


3 Steps to Comprehensive Compliance Training

Auto dealerships that are not compliant feel the impact directly in terms of their loss of profits and reputation. Without a comprehensive compliance...

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