Are You Taking Full Advantage of What Facebook Offers?

By now, chances are that you have a Facebook account for your car dealership, and are aware that online marketing can be effective for your business. However, do you know all the great things that Facebook has to offer? Learning about the features of one of the world’s most popular social networking websites will help you take full advantage of being both a Facebook user and a car dealership owner. Here are some of the features that will help you get the most out of your Facebook account.
The Events Feature
When you want to advertise a sales event like an end-of-year clearance for your car dealership or a back-to-school vehicle special for teachers or college students, Facebook definitely comes in handy. You can use the event feature to let all your customers know the event details and invite your colleagues to the event with just a few clicks of your mouse. This saves you time and invitation paper, which cuts down on marketing costs, and you can keep track of who is attending and who has yet to respond to your invitation.
The Recommendations Feature
If you visit a certain type of fan page often (e.g. pages for car repair shops that you work with often or auto care superstores in the area), Facebook will send you recommendations to like similar pages. Sometimes, the recommendations will come from the people on your friend list. There are pages for virtually any interest on Facebook, so if you’re looking for ways to inform more customers about your car dealership inventory, Facebook is a valuable resource.
The Excel Feature
Facebook also allows you to export the information from the social networking website to Excel so that you can review it for marketing statistic purposes. All you have to do is type in the dates that you want to search for data, and the details for the status updates for these dates will come up. You’ll see how many likes your car dealership page received, how many comments there were on the car photos you’ve posted, and how many people viewed the statuses overall. This lets you know whether Facebook is an effective way to market your automobiles, and could give you ideas for how to use Facebook more creatively.
The Feedback Feature
Lastly, if you want to know how many customers are responding to your company’s status updates or visiting your page on a daily or weekly basis, you can use Facebook’s feedback or impressions feature to get this info. You’ll see the last 10 status updates you made and the responses each one received, along with a percentage of the popularity of the status.
This feature will let you know which marketing strategies are working well for your dealership, and whether customers are interested in interacting with your company. When you look at the percentages for your status updates, you’ll also see which discussion questions are most appealing to customers and which car images are getting the most attention. This, of course, draws more attention to your business and could increase your consumer base.
Tamiya King is an author who writes on a variety of topics, including health, beauty, fashion, and ways to use office cubicles, marketing strategies, and cooking. Her passion is writing articles that get shared online.
authored by
Michael Bowen
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