Commentary Sep 24th, 2014

3 Great Reasons Why Auto Dealers Should Blog


Are you an auto dealer searching for ways to make your business better and stronger? Well if so, make sure you’re focusing on your content marketing. If you aren’t investing in it yet, it’s time to start!

According to eMarketer, 73% of businesses rely on their own branded content for marketing. Another 41% leverage user-generated content and/or reviews. According to Hubspot, this results in increased website views. The number 1 marketing platform also reports that companies which blog 15 times per month, bring in 5 times more traffic. In other words, an auto blog that’s constantly updated with rich and relevant content can do wonders for your dealership.

Here are the top ways your company can benefit from blogging:

#1 Blogging Helps Your Customers Find You

It really doesn’t matter if you own a car dealership or a shoe store, these days most sales are technology-driven. If people are searching for something specific, more often than not, they turn to various search engines for help.

In 2012, when blogging wasn’t as popular as it is today, the digital influence index showed that 89% of consumers use search engines for purchase decisions. This means that the more trackable your website or blog is, the more likely it is that quality online leads will find your business and the higher the chance of a prospective sale.

The best way to attract in-market customers is by having a fully integrated blog. It is advisable for it be a folder, not a subdomain of your website.

What Google and other search engines love is dynamic and relevant content. This is what your auto dealers blog should aim for! The easiest way to achieve this is by regularly updating your blog with content, which is very closely connected to your dealership, your promotions and your local area news.

The key is aiming to create quality content, which is favored by search engines! It can help your blog go socially viral. If this happens and clients start linking to your blog, your Google PageRank will increase. A good pagerank will bring your auto dealership website a higher level of authority. And, it will make it easier for clients to find you on the internet, increasing the popularity of your business online.

#2 Blogging Helps You Create Authority and Build Your Reputation

Again, good content is key! By providing your in-market customers and everyone else who might stumble across your website with up-to-date information, you are becoming a trusted educator! More and more clients will start returning to your blog if you demonstrate consistent knowledge in your field.

However, remember that the content you offer needs to be tailored to your customers. For example, if you are a pickup truck dealership in rural Iowa, then blog about pickup trucks and auto news related to that. Do not blog about new race car models and topics which will not be of interest to your client.

Keeping your customers updated is keeping them interested! This way blogging helps you create customer loyalty and set you apart from your competitors. If you create a loyal in-market customer base, it is only a matter of time until your sales increase, as well.

According to research by the Custom Content Council, 68% of consumers like custom content because it’s tailored to their interests. Another 55% say they would be more willing to buy a product from a company which provides them with custom content.

You can create custom content by keeping your blog rich in relevant information and by writing guest posts on high traffic blogs from your industry to get your name out there. You can also, weekly or monthly, post articles with sales and deals news your customers can take advantage of.

#3 Blogging Is the Least Expensive Form of Marketing

Blogging is one of many types of content marketing, and it is the most effective way to interact with your clients since by providing them with accurate and concise information, you can answer their most commonly asked questions. The price for that type of marketing can be zero dollars!

If you are writing your articles yourself, and you know a thing or two about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the only thing you will need to invest in your content marketing is your own time and effort. If you are not equipped with stellar writing skills, or you can’t afford to invest the time, hiring a content management specialist will still be a cheaper than paying for old-school online advertising. A Demand Metric study shows that per dollar spent, content marketing generates approximately 3 times as many online leads as traditional marketing.

According to HubSpot, small businesses that use content marketing generate 55% more website leads at a cost that is 62% less than leads acquired through paid advertisements. This is twice the client traffic for a lesser price.

Why not try and make your auto dealership more popular by blogging, when it practically comes free of charge? Not only will good content marketing help differentiate you from your competitors, but also providing quality information will educate your prospective customers and help turn their interest into actual sales!

Is there anything that makes you uneasy about starting to blog? Let us know in the comments and we’ll try to help!

Boryana Gramatikova is a recent University of Westminster graduate with an MA in Broadcast Journalism. Her interest span across film, sports and Asian culture. She has vast experience in blogging on everything surety bond-related. Currently she contributes to the Bryant Surety Bonds blog.

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